بالصور: اختراع جديد... سيعشقه محبو النبيذ!

آخر الأخبار
2017-02-10 | 11:12
مشاهدات عالية
بالصور: اختراع جديد... سيعشقه محبو النبيذ!
بالصور: اختراع جديد... سيعشقه محبو النبيذ!

هل تمنيتم يوماً لو كان بإمكانكم أن تشربوا النبيذ بكأس كبير يسمح لكم بأن تضعوا أنفكم بداخله عند ارتشاف هذا المشروب كي تتمتّعوا برائحته ومذاقه اللذيذين في آن واحد؟

إذا كانت إجابتكم نعم... إليكم هذا الخبر السار.

فقد قام أحدهم باختراع كأس يشبه أقنعة الغاز يساعد الشخص على شرب كمية أكبر من الزجاجة.

هذا القناع الزجاجي هو كناية عن كوبٍ يتميّز بحافةٍ على شكل قناع يُوضع على الأنف، يساعد الشخص على التمتّع بنكهة النبيذ.

ويحمل هذا الكأس في الواقع شكل الوجه، على عكس كؤوس النبيذ العادية، مما يسهّل عملية التمتّع بنكهة النبيذ ورائحته على حد سواء، بحسب ما أوضح السيد جيمس بياتي وهو مصمم صناعي ومخترع هذا الكأس.

Ferrari Press Agency Ref 7750 Wine 1 09/02/2017 See Ferrari text Picture MUST credit : Wine Glass Mask A new glass is offering wine lovers the chance to make the most of their drink ñ by channeling the complex aromas straight to the nose. The industrial designer behind it says it helps enjoy complex taste of a wine is a combination of smells and flavours. Wine Glass Mask was designed to focus the bouquet and concentrate the smell of fruits, spices, herbs and flowers while controlling the flow of oxygen. It does this by using a mask-shaped rim that fits over the drinkerís nose .In addition, either side of the glass has small air-flow holes called venturi nozzles.California-based inventor James Piatt explained:î ìAs you breathe in you notice an intensified aroma because none of your experience is lost. ìAs red wine breathes wine molecules combine with nitrogen and oxygen in the air. ìThe venturi nozzles on the front of the Wine Glass Mask reduce the flow of oxygen and nitrogen and increase their velocity entering the wine aroma mixing chamber as you breathe in. ìThe added air speed lifts more wine vapors off the surface enriching the aroma and flavour.îHe said wine glasses are traditionally round because the shape is easier to manufacture.Piatt added:î Historically the shape was a result of the glass blowing process by blowing and spinning molten glass on the end of a metal blowpipe. ìWine Glass Mask is made by pressing glass and can be molded into an ergonomic shape that fits your face.ìYour wine drinking experience will never be the same.îHe said many faces were measured and tested to achieve the optimal shape however due to the unlimited variety of face shapes performance results may vary from person to person. To achieve the finest and most subtle contours and details he utilized the latest 3D solid modeling software.The goblet , which is available in clear or blue finish, is made from pressed glass also known as pattern glass .It is a process where molten glass is pressed into a five part mold including a plunger. Below is the sample mold we had made to prove out the design and resolve any manufacturing issues. The air flow holes are executed as a secondary operation with an ultrasonic drill.Piatt has launched a fund raising campaign on Kickstarter which runs until March to raise £62,000 to fund production costs.If successful, the goblets will be sold for around £20 each but there are early bird deals offering them with discount prices starting at £12.50 OPS: The Wine Glass Mask. Picture supplied by Ferrari

Ferrari Press Agency Ref 7750 Wine 1 09/02/2017 See Ferrari text Picture MUST credit : Wine Glass Mask A new glass is offering wine lovers the chance to make the most of their drink ñ by channeling the complex aromas straight to the nose. The industrial designer behind it says it helps enjoy complex taste of a wine is a combination of smells and flavours. Wine Glass Mask was designed to focus the bouquet and concentrate the smell of fruits, spices, herbs and flowers while controlling the flow of oxygen. It does this by using a mask-shaped rim that fits over the drinkerís nose .In addition, either side of the glass has small air-flow holes called venturi nozzles.California-based inventor James Piatt explained:î ìAs you breathe in you notice an intensified aroma because none of your experience is lost. ìAs red wine breathes wine molecules combine with nitrogen and oxygen in the air. ìThe venturi nozzles on the front of the Wine Glass Mask reduce the flow of oxygen and nitrogen and increase their velocity entering the wine aroma mixing chamber as you breathe in. ìThe added air speed lifts more wine vapors off the surface enriching the aroma and flavour.îHe said wine glasses are traditionally round because the shape is easier to manufacture.Piatt added:î Historically the shape was a result of the glass blowing process by blowing and spinning molten glass on the end of a metal blowpipe. ìWine Glass Mask is made by pressing glass and can be molded into an ergonomic shape that fits your face.ìYour wine drinking experience will never be the same.îHe said many faces were measured and tested to achieve the optimal shape however due to the unlimited variety of face shapes performance results may vary from person to person. To achieve the finest and most subtle contours and details he utilized the latest 3D solid modeling software.The goblet , which is available in clear or blue finish, is made from pressed glass also known as pattern glass .It is a process where molten glass is pressed into a five part mold including a plunger. Below is the sample mold we had made to prove out the design and resolve any manufacturing issues. The air flow holes are executed as a secondary operation with an ultrasonic drill.Piatt has launched a fund raising campaign on Kickstarter which runs until March to raise £62,000 GBP to fund production costs.If successful, the goblets will be sold for around £20 each but there are early bird deals offering them with discount prices starting at £12.50 OPS: The Wine Glass Mask. Graphic shows how it works with air flow holes Picture supplied by Ferrari

*حفاظاً على حقوق الملكية الفكرية يرجى عدم نسخ ما يزيد عن 20 في المئة من مضمون الخبر مع ذكر اسم موقع الـ LBCI الالكتروني وارفاقه برابط الخبر Hyperlink تحت طائلة الملاحقة القانونية

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