Yair Lapid's vision: Navigating Israel's future amid Gaza's turmoil

News Bulletin Reports
2023-12-02 | 12:03
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Yair Lapid's vision: Navigating Israel's future amid Gaza's turmoil
Yair Lapid's vision: Navigating Israel's future amid Gaza's turmoil

While Netanyahu is still immersed in arranging battles in Gaza, his adversary, Yair Lapid, outlines a post-war scenario.

The document was prepared by the opposition Yesh Atid party, whose leader, Yair Lapid, was the Prime Minister before Netanyahu.

Its formulation involved consultations with political and military experts in Israel and senior officials in the US government.

The document focuses on Israel's objectives in Gaza, the future of the Palestinian Authority, and its new form.

It also divides Gaza's future into two phases: the current stage, meaning the next five years or less, and then the permanent situation.

In the first stage, the opposition party promises the return of the kidnapped, hostages, and missing persons, as well as the restoration of security in the border settlements by establishing a demilitarized zone in the north and east of the Gaza Strip.

Regarding the elimination of Hamas, the document goes beyond military capabilities to initiate a stage of economic blockade and assassinations.

Furthermore, the document pledges to eliminate Hamas's economic capabilities, impose a financial blockade on the organization and its affiliates and eliminate its leaders wherever they may be.

According to the document, the war on Gaza will continue as long as Hamas controls the Gaza Strip.

Moreover, the civil administration of Gaza will be temporarily handed over, in the first stage, to an international team led by the US and involving Arab countries (excluding Turkey and Qatar). This team will work on rehabilitating and providing humanitarian assistance to the residents of the Gaza Strip.

In the second stage, Israel will not agree to the Palestinian Authority participating in the administration of life in Gaza as long as there is no comprehensive program implemented to combat extremism in the Palestinian Authority.

Lebanon is not absent from this plan, which promises a gradual shift of Israel's focus to a significant campaign in the north.

Additionally, Israel will work on implementing Resolution 1701 and removing Hezbollah from the northern borders. If political efforts fail, Israel will militarily force them out.

While the first stage focuses on the Gaza Strip, the second stage addresses regional dilemmas, such as countering the Iranian threat to Israel by building an international alliance by calling for a regional conference to discuss the mechanism for monitoring Gaza.

In the same context, the second stage talks about signing a normalization agreement, deepening security and economic ties with Saudi Arabia, and expanding the Abraham Accords.

Lapid took advantage of the turmoil in Netanyahu's administration to present an alternative project.

Will he succeed in capturing attention in Israel, which is currently facing one of its biggest domestic challenges coinciding with the war?

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