US presidential debate: Biden delivers uneven performance amid Trump's barrage of falsehoods

World News
2024-06-28 | 00:10
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US presidential debate: Biden delivers uneven performance amid Trump's barrage of falsehoods
US presidential debate: Biden delivers uneven performance amid Trump's barrage of falsehoods

Democratic President Joe Biden delivered a shaky, halting performance at Thursday's debate while his Republican rival Donald Trump battered him with a series of often false attacks, as the two oldest presidential candidates ever exchanged deeply personal insults ahead of November's US election.

The two men traded barbs on abortion, immigration, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, their handling of the economy, and even their golf games as they each sought to shake up what opinion polls show has been a virtually tied race for months.

Two White House officials said Biden had a cold. But the president's uneven performance rattled some Democrats and could deepen voter concerns that the 81-year-old is too old to serve another four-year term.

Biden's campaign team and allies tried to put a brave face on the performance but it was a major blow, at least in the short-term.

One top Biden donor, who did not want to be named while criticizing the president, called his performance "disqualifying" and said he expected a fresh round of calls for him to step aside ahead of the party's national convention in August.

A hoarse-sounding Biden stumbled over his words on several occasions during the debate's first half-hour, but he found his footing at the halfway mark when he attacked Trump over his conviction for covering up hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels, calling him a "felon."

In response, Trump brought up the recent conviction of Biden's son, Hunter, for lying about his drug use to buy a gun.

Moments later, Biden noted that almost all of Trump's former cabinet members, including former Vice President Mike Pence, have not endorsed his campaign.

"They know him well, they served with him," he said. "Why are they not endorsing him?"

Trump, meanwhile, unleashed a barrage of criticisms, many of which were well-worn falsehoods he has long repeated, including claims that migrants have carried out a crime wave, that Democrats support infanticide, and that he actually won the 2020 election.

Biden and Trump, 78, were both under pressure to display their fitness for office. Biden has been dogged by questions about his age and sharpness, while Trump's incendiary rhetoric and sprawling legal woes remain a vulnerability.

Asked about the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters, the former president refused to accept any responsibility and claimed that many of those arrested were innocent.

"This guy has no sense of American democracy," Biden scoffed in response.

Biden also blamed Trump for enabling the elimination of a nationwide right to abortion by appointing conservatives to the US Supreme Court, an issue that has bedeviled Republicans since 2022.

Trump countered that Biden would not support any limits on abortions and said that returning the issue to the states was the right course of action.

Trump said Biden had failed to secure the southern US border, ushering in scores of criminals.

The televised 90-minute clash on CNN took place far earlier than any modern presidential debate, more than four months before the Nov. 5 Election Day.

The two candidates appeared with no live audience, and their microphones automatically cut off when it was not their turn to speak - both atypical rules imposed to avoid the chaos that derailed their first debate in 2020 when Trump interrupted Biden repeatedly.

The two men - who have made little secret of their mutual dislike - did not shake hands or acknowledge each other before or after the debate.

But there were plenty more moments in which their bad blood was evident. Each called the other the worst president in history; Biden referred to Trump as a "loser" and a "whiner," while Trump called Biden a "disaster."

At one point, the rivals bickered over their golf games, with Trump bragging about hitting the ball farther than Biden and Biden retorting that Trump would struggle to carry his own bag.

The second and final debate in this year's campaign is scheduled for September.


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